3. Company
  4. Quality Policy / Environmental Policy

Quality Policy / Environmental Policy

Revised on 1st April 2019
Nara Machinery Co., Ltd.
Ken-ichi Johara
President, Representative Director

1.Policy for Quali

We aim to improve the customer satisfaction through “conformity with standard requirement” and “customer satisfaction evaluation” to pursue “continuous improvement” at inventing,designing, manufacturing and selling the powder processing dryer.

To achieve our target, all members shall correspond to following guidance.

  1. To fulfill the required product quality, we will try to comply with client requirement.
  2. As the satisfaction improvement, we will continue to improve the quality, delivery time and cost.
  3. We will correspond properly to the related law and standard requirement.
  4. We will continue to improve the manufacturing technology and usability of Quality Management System.
  5. We will continue to learn and educate as the personnel for designing, manufacturing and service.

We shall notify this policy to all employees and related companies, and we will check the proper operation and will review the policy according to this quality policy at the Management Review.

〔Established on 1st August 2011〕

2.Policy for Environme

We will propel the environment protection activity aggressively at inventing, designing, manufacturing and selling the powder processing equipment.

  1. We will try to keep the continuous improvement and pollution preventing action according to the Environment Management System at our activity, product and service.
    ■Activity for reduction of harmful environment influence
    • ⅰ) Resource saving activity by proper selection of product material
    • ⅱ) Energy saving activity by reducing the electricity usage
    • ⅲ) Reduction of disposal by propulsion of recycling
    ■Activity for beneficial environment influence
    • ⅰ) Inventing and selling promotion of environment friendly equipment
    • ⅱ) Promoting the improvement of productivity (business efficiency)
  2. We will surely implement the applicable law requirement, any other requirement decision which agreed by us, operation and evaluation activity related to our environmental aspect.
  3. To keep the continuous improvement activity, we will set the environmental goals and we will review the activity plan periodically.
  4. Regards to the environmental policy, we will keep workers and employees to be informed and we will try to raise the environmental consciousness by education.

〔Established on 1st September 1999〕

Management Principle / Message from President

Management Principle / Message from President

Affiliated Companies

Affiliated Companies





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